Tag Archives: Writing for the Web

Blogging Success


The art of blogging – i.e. the ability to engage with your (often diverse) readers in such a way that you continue to add value to their business / personal growth / travel plans / upcoming marriage turmoil etc etc etc. **Please substitute to include your area of blogging-preference.

This task s quite arduous, especially if you consider that most bloggers qualify to this status / title by virtue of ‘simply diving in’.

Making your blog great

  1. Blog regularly. You wanted the attention, no knuckle down and type my friend. Daily if possible – remember we are dealing with the cyber-consumer who demands instant-gratification.
  2. Type and read. Type and read. You remember ‘wax on, wax off’? Same story. Write, read, edit. As cathartic as blogging is, make sure that you are ready to send your thoughts in to cyber space when you hit “publish.”
  3. Keep up to date with relevant news in your industry or interest area. Keep it new, fresh and exciting but don’t just share and reblog what others write. Make it your own. Add an opinion or ask a question.
  4. Answer comments and questions quickly. Be polite, I guess.
  5. Add pictures. Remember that pictures speak as well. Use them to visually enhance and emphasise what you are saying. Get creative. Have some fun if you dare.
  6. Links! Link to other relevant commentaries and blogs. Comment and leave your own blog address. As much as I love Dolly, this is not about being an ‘Island in the Stream’. Forget isolation, think of being ‘The cosmopolitan underground-and-inter-connected railway”.
  7. Guest bloggers. Colleagues and experts who can engage with your readers. Even in the narcissistic world of blogging, consider that YOURS is not the only voice that deserves to be heard.
  8. Categories. Figure out what you want to write about, categorise your blog and make sure your posts add value to those topical areas.

Even more tips

Get your blog out there.

  1. Share your blog via your website.
  2. Add your blog URL to your email signature
  3. Share your posts on your social media platforms.

And finally,

Write about things that matter to you. Something you can sink your newly manicured nails into. Give it some meat and seasoning and watch-out for the return!

Diva, over-and-out :)